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  1. C

    Posting for accountability - PCOS girly on a fat & weight loss journey

    DAY 3, Feb 16, 11:14PM: 83.1 kg - Headache at 8am. Most likely low electrolytes but also because my work schedule is out of whack. Took a biogesic. Will buy electrolytes tomorrow. - Pooped liquid at 3pm, 8pm, 11pm. - No hunger. Just stomach growling. I surpassed my last extended fast (66 hrs!)...
  2. C

    Posting for accountability - PCOS girly on a fat & weight loss journey

    I’m doing an extended water/caffeine fast right now and posting for accountability for a no of reasons: 1. My immediate environment makes it doubly hard to lose weight so I’m looking for other ways to keep myself on track. 2. What I’m doing won’t apply to ALL PCOS girlies but might help some on...