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    2024 Goals - Seeking Advice

    @drjon I'm just pointing out that injuries are likely and will affect the timeline. A perfectly reasonable response to OP's question. And OP himself acknowledged the point. Hardly fearmongering.
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    2024 Goals - Seeking Advice

    @drjon Sounds like you've had extraordinarily good luck. You may be the Lebron James of lifting. This is not the reality for everyone else.
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    2024 Goals - Seeking Advice

    @drjon From direct and indirect fitness experience. These are lofty goals. There will be injuries--I didn't say they would be catastrophic injuries--but there will be injuries that will set back this 1 year timeline. If you tweak your back/hip/knee doing deadlifts and squats its going to...
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    How do I train to walk at a 5mph pace for 2.5 miles?

    @ryan2240x Any reason why you can't walk 2.5 miles every day (or whatever your schedule allows), track your walking pace, and try to push it a little bit faster every time? Unless you have limitations that already prevent you from walking, that's the most straightforward (and probably the most...
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    2024 Goals - Seeking Advice

    @fionar Even if you do everything perfectly, you're likely going to get some sort of injury that will set back your timeline. But let's assume you don't get injured--even if you're a relatively new lifter, these are some pretty big jumps in your lifts. I've seen people make big jumps in...
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    Making a fitness plan for life

    @purdella A couple of years ago my youngest kid hit an age where I didn't need to chase her around anymore. We got a dog. He's good for about 10k steps a day. Also, I'm about 200 lbs and I jump rope 3-5 times a week. My knees feel great and I plan on doing it as long as I can .
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    Making a fitness plan for life

    @purdella All of it sounds reasonable and possible. I would add a daily 2-3 mile outdoor walk every day. And if for some reason you have to choose between walking and rowing - would prioritize rowing.
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    Training "a lot" beneficial or detrimental ?

    @jl83 Pick you poison then i guess. While training hard and close to failure isn't a recipe for injury, injuries are a normal part of the process and you just have to work around them. However, training at high volumes at low intensity is (a) not going to give you the results you want, (b) an...
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    Training "a lot" beneficial or detrimental ?

    @jl83 As a general rule, if you feel like you could repeat your strength session the very next day, you're probably not training hard enough. There's also seems to be some confusion about basic training principles here. You say you've had 3 big injuries because of gym activities, but you're...
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    Can't lose weight on 1500 calorie diet

    @crosswise I'm not sure where you got the idea that all the fat in a chicken breast is on the outside, but that's simply not true. Also, rice isn't pure carbohoydrate/fiber and includes some fat and protein as well. Strange that you're only counting one macro for food. Just 'cause that works for...
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    Please critique my workout routine

    @cerddoriaeth A couple of things. First, the trackers are inaccurate. I'll leave it at that. Second, yes intensity matters, but maintaining high intensity for extended periods of time is not really possible for anyone but highly trained athletes. Even then, for the numbers/calories burned to...
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    Please critique my workout routine

    @cerddoriaeth Since you seem open to suggestion--and I'm sure I'm not the first person to tell you this--but cardio isn't all that great for fat loss. It's awesome on many levels--obviously good for your cardiovascular system, a great way to help with recovery as well (in reasonable doses) and...
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    Please critique my workout routine

    @cerddoriaeth If you like to warm up for 10 minutes or feel like its helpful, then go right ahead, but there's nothing special about 10 minutes. Personally, I feel like that's way too long. The idea is just to raise your body temp and get your blood moving. That could take 1 minute. Try 5...
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    Intermediate full body routine for hypertrophy

    @malkah18 Seems reasonable as long as you're training with the requisite intensity (failure/near failure). I would add a set of lunges or bulgarian split squats to day 3. People are also going to harp on your use of the term intermediate, just FYI.