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    Anyone else a fan of Layne Norton?

    @fola Believe it or not, BCAA supplementation was thought of as useful not too long ago. In light of revised evidence, Layne (and virtually everyone else) has since changed and solidified their stance on this. Now what would've been disappointing would be if Layne was still hyping BCAAs...
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    Anyone else a fan of Layne Norton?

    @ruin225018 Would you mind giving an example of this? From memory, all of the evidence-based practitioners who I follow are pretty quick to point out limited studies and the 'early days' of a potential finding.
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    Anyone else a fan of Layne Norton?

    @ruin225018 Not that I think Layne does this, but it's perfectly possible to cherry-pick studies that support your bias.
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    Anyone else a fan of Layne Norton?

    @ruin225018 Damn, you just made me realise that time has flown by... No, it wasn't recent - about 5 years ago now. Layne was basically promoting the concept of metabolic damage based on "X amount of anecdotes" from his clients, despite the lack of scientific evidence for it. Most of the...
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    Anyone else a fan of Layne Norton?

    @ruin225018 His content is pretty drama-fuelled as he does a lot of call outs, this is why I say sensationalist - relative to other evidence based practitioners like 3DMJ. Now that I think about it, Layne was pretty bad with the whole “metabolic damage” thing which I don’t recall him correcting.
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    Anyone else a fan of Layne Norton?

    @ruin225018 Layne is pretty sensationalist when it comes to content, but his credentials speak for themselves and he's certainly a trusted OG in the space.
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    If you had 1-month to get in the best shape possible, what would your workout regimen and nutrition be?

    @meglin I was a 'category 2' dieter so was allowed one 'free meal' and a carb re-feed once a week. So I never truly eliminated normal foods during the process!
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    If you had 1-month to get in the best shape possible, what would your workout regimen and nutrition be?

    @meglin Pretty much, plus some fish oil capsules given your proteins will be super lean!
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    If you had 1-month to get in the best shape possible, what would your workout regimen and nutrition be?

    @mamared1 Lyle McDonald's PSMF (an unsustainable crash diet)