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  1. T

    Gaining weight on a caloric deficit. HELP!

    @activatedalmond This is too short of a time period to really have any significant value. It is most likely just water fluctuation. You need to take multiple weights from the week and average them out to get your weight. I can wake up one day and be a lb above what I was 2 days before even...
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    What’s your thoughts on the oversized t shirt?

    @righteousbyfaith I just don't wear shirts. Problem solved.
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    Renaissance Periodization App Update

    @doks I agree. Mike is really big on this too. If you’re doing an exercise everyone thinks is an A tier exercise like squat or deadlift but for some reason even with good form it causes you pain he says just don’t do it. Find something comparable and do that instead. Risking injury or...
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    Anyone else sub out BB squats for V Squat?

    @lepomis Yea I’ve found that moving calves to the beginning and focusing on the full stretch and not weight has helped mine grow a lot more.
  5. T

    Anyone else sub out BB squats for V Squat?

    @lepomis I work these in quite often. Tbh the past 3 months I haven’t even done a barbell squat. I have always had strong legs and my barbell squat was one of my favorite exercises and I was always able to go very heavy on it. At least heavy for me. At 145lbs I was putting up 315 for sets of 8...