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  1. K

    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @stars1100 but why even cycle? i'm note even sure thats even keto. as you usually need 48-72 hours for most people to be in ketosis. i don't think i would need to do it that long 3-4 weeks and like you said 100+ grams a day i could lose 3-4 kilos which would probably be more than enough for me...
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    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @isa4031 need? of course not no one needs to muscle wise, i'v been training for over a decade now, sure maybe if i really optimize training and diet, sleep, nutrition etc i could add a bit more on, but thats a maybe for a definite in terms of difficulty to achieve especially as another few...
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    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @sisbarn70 i've never really heard about it too much, have you used it, with success?
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    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @loida as i have told others, thats a horrible idea. you should not just keep dropping calories when you have already gone sub 2000/day, as it can have very bad health consequences. second, you might already be in a deficit. Just because you are in a deficit does not mean you will...
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    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @ben982743 so basically same thing happened to you too, cut stopped working after a while once you get low enough i'll have to look into how effective restarting a cut is and maybe some of the science behind it
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    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @ben982743 i've heard this a few times now but how exactly? go immediately from your current intake to somewhere higher? and what about the cut back again, quickly? slowly? how long should you stay at the higher calorie amount? also i realize you might not have those answer/ aren't a medical...
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    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @happyje yeah i would hope adding 8km of walking per day would have some effect. which i think might not be the easiest but the simplest/most reliable, just add a large amount of calorie burning to a regimen.
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    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @decmberluv thanks for a response that was like my own experience (as not everyone will have the same problem) so you mean you were at X calories (say 2000) and lost weight, stalled, went up (say 2500) then slowly over weeks/months dropped down to the same X number of calories? interesting...
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    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @lollardy have you actually done it? i ask, as i know its a problem for many to drop to and especially below 10% (as natty) i know as a natty at lowest you could comfortably go to 9% any lower and it would suck and really only be for competition (which im not doing now) my i think my problem...
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    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @pinetowntree ok yes i agree the calculators used are clearly not accurate as your basal metabolic rate will change as you get lower at this is the main source of calories burned so once it changes the calculation is way off problem is i've already gone under 2000 calories per day, probably...
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    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @pinetowntree several online calculators, most give you a similar result but of course they do have you guess things like "physical activity level" but yes that number is impossible to truly know, but i know i was in a caloric deficit (as i was losing weight) and then even cut back off of that
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    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @dawn16 what do you mean strange and false? what did i say thats false, everything i said is a possibility that depends on a variety of factors its foolish and dangerous to tell someone, hey you aren't dropping fat? well just keep cutting calories until you do. No doctor or nutritionist would...
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    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @dawn16 yes i might try the increasing and then re-cutting (as suggested by 2 others) as that could help increase my basal metabolic rate again. i could also try doing a lot more cardio to increase my current deficit, but i think i would need to consult a doctor before cutting even more from my...
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    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @dawn16 what do you mean attitude? you tried to make it seem simple, and its often not that simple, and all i did was describe the ways in which it can be very complicated to calculate caloric need, and the problems that can occur to your body when in caloric or nutritional deficit, which are...
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    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @dawn16 not really first, even if you know the exact calories you need, simply cutting out more calories is not always a good decision as its hard to get proper nutrition the more you cut second that does not accurately say what your calorie requirement is. if you eat 2000 calories for months...
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    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @dawn16 ok its hard to know. you can measure it in anyway but only get an approximation of the calories burned. the problem is as you get lower and lower in BF you base metabolic rate will lower, but you really can't know by how much. which is why i had the exact same caloric intake working...
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    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    I started slowly slimming down over 6+ months but then i got to around 12% BF (no official test) and stopped dropping, even cut out another 200 calories and upped my physical activity (so burning at least 100 more) still nothing for 2 months i was at 2000 calories/day and burning at least 3000...