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  1. J

    Vegan Fitness Transformation - 1 year fitness update

    @godwetrust First 35lbs or so came off in the first 6 months of going vegan. My activity level went up, and my eating was much more reasonable after switching to vegan. No more junk food, so much less processed foods. I ended up stalled at around 235-245lbs for 2 years not able to get any...
  2. J

    How Long are you in the Gym?

    @dawn16 I have seen some of his videos. I don't buy that it is that simple that someone in the gym for more than 90 minutes is not working at high enough intensity. Particularly if you are in a public gym where what equipment you get to use when is dependent on others. The intensity...
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    Vegan Fitness Transformation - 1 year fitness update

    @leyah Cruiser and longboard. I work in Minneapolis but live in the suburbs. I have a cruiser board that I'll bring into the office and then use to get around the city in combination with transit during the summer.
  4. J

    How Long are you in the Gym?

    @creek78 This workout was one day of 5 as part of a 8 week Shred challenge this spring so yeah, it was a bit much but on purpose. I'm going to be integrating this work into my normal summer routine which is more relaxed. But I was curious if I should be increasing volume in my normal program...
  5. J

    Vegan Fitness Transformation - 1 year fitness update

    @dawn16 Thanks. This past year has been mostly in the gym. This summer I'll be doing more running, biking, skateboarding, and mix in jump rope (This guy was in a couple challenges with me and inspired me ) and bouldering.
  6. J

    How Long are you in the Gym?

    When you hit the gym, how long do your workout programs take? I just wrapped up a 8 week program with and one of the hardest things to get used to was how long the workouts took in the gym. That made me wonder, Were these times what everyone deals with and I'm just not used...
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    Vegan Fitness Transformation - 1 year fitness update

    One year transformation for this 51-year-old. Been working a fitness program and shredding for 8 weeks at a time over the past year. I've lost a total of 43lbs and maintained and in some areas gained strength. I'm continuing to shred through the summer shooting for another 30lbs gone or 12%...
  8. J

    Q: Protein Intake while cutting as a vegan

    @audreykate You have to look at how much you are working out while in a deficit and how much muscle mass you have to maintain. Our body will prioritize the breakdown protein into fats to use for energy when in a caloric deficit. It will also stop replacing muscle cells that die off. The...
  9. J

    Anything to change about diet based on blood screen results?

    @wrench Have you been bleeding? Donating blood? your test doesn't show it but your symptoms are a indicator of low iron. where you having those symptoms when you had the blood draw? Supplement your vitamin d (most people in the northern hemisphere should be supplementing right now. Make...