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    Two Jobs with Little Time (Extreme Fatigue After Gym)

    @inspiredpurpose I think you can do both. You just have to listen to your body closely
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    Two Jobs with Little Time (Extreme Fatigue After Gym)

    @inspiredpurpose About 1g per pound of bodyweight is a good place to start. You have to have good nutrition to drive workouts. Doesn't have to be perfect but fuel is essential or you will bonk
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    Do you have to have a structured workout routine to see results? Can I wing it every day and still experience the benefits of strength training?

    @mihai_1991 The perfect exercise regimen is the one you following consistent
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    Two Jobs with Little Time (Extreme Fatigue After Gym)

    @inspiredpurpose Well quantity is not quite what you meant. Are you eating enough carbs and protein to support your activities?
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    Two Jobs with Little Time (Extreme Fatigue After Gym)

    @inspiredpurpose Are you eating enough? What about hydration?
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    What items do I need to get started at a gym?

    @leasaithe Just get going first. Nothing is necessary. After you get a routine going, you can buy things as needed
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    How do you handle eating out or social settings when trying to lose?

    @medjugorje I don't tell them I'm dieting. I get to know order what I want and so do they. I'm the only one responsible for what goes in my mouth
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    Finally got dumbbells and…

    @kaylarose3 Shoulder muscles are smaller and therefore are usually harder to build. 11kg is alot to lift for beginner shoulder workouts
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    6.5 inches off waist, 2.5 pounds heavier

    @theeverydaykingdom Wait, when there is no accurate way to measure calories burned there is a job out there that has a requirement to burn a minimum? Smells like an HR issue. Also if anything is required I sure hope you are getting paid for it
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    Do Soft Grip Dumbbells exist?

    @lordsmrfixit Lifting gloves?
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    Bone Density Concerns - Dexa Scan Report

    @zakariyya I was diagnosed 3 years ago with osteopenia/osteoporosis at 52 years old. The meds prescribed made me ill so I started strength training. At my scan last year I had no discernable worsening so that's a win
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    Unexplained weight gain

    @beryybverry A true plateau is 4 to 6 weeks of no gain or loss. And . 2 is not a gain that's just normal fluctuations. Weight loss is never, ever linear. Stay the course
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    Unexplained weight gain

    @beryybverry Are you steadily gaining? Or did you have two weeks of no gain/loss then a gain in week 3? You've said two different things here. How much did your weight go up in week 3?