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  1. S

    Muscles looking more defined but weight is the same?

    5’4, f, 165 lbs, top heavy hourglass shape with a soft stomach, US size 8 i’ve been being more conscientious about my eating and working out since the beginning of the year; i climb 1-2x a week, try to do pole dance class once a week, and try to strength train 1-2 days a week. i’m noticing...
  2. S

    Injured wrist took me out of my two main active hobbies, what else can I do?

    @dinafrancis I already walk a fair amount between my job and dog, but i suppose i could increase the length of my dog’s walks! my climbing gym has a few machines but not nearly the sort of setup a traditional gym has. any examples of upper body exercises i can use my forearms for? planks and...
  3. S

    Injured wrist took me out of my two main active hobbies, what else can I do?

    I’ve been doing pole dancing and rock climbing as my main forms of exercise the past few months, with 1-2 days of strength training in between. On average I’d do each once a week, with some breaks and sometimes 2x a week depending on what else is going on. i hurt my wrist last time i went...