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  1. A

    How should I split my leg day into 2 days? Plus any other input :)

    @charlesagrit Thank you so much! I appreciate the feedback a lot!
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    How should I split my leg day into 2 days? Plus any other input :)

    @charlesagrit Not really tbh. I’m happy with how my legs look as they are. They are actually quite strong considering I don’t work them beyond day to day life and full body stuff like Zumba and yoga. Also ik those things may not be the “target” for a lot of my leg day workouts, but they...
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    How should I split my leg day into 2 days? Plus any other input :)

    I’m a 21 y/o woman (and college student which is why my schedule is a bit weird). I currently do a one hour Zumba class 3 days a week (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday) for cardio and as a warm up, power yoga on Mondays, upper body and core on Tuesdays (I do very little weighted upper body on...