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  1. J

    "A new era in CrossFit Games rankings has begun"

    @henrivlot Not here to argue but I’ll reply with the fact I did give examples. He gets views-that’s what he wants so props to him -and to you for going to bat for him. He’s brought to light some of the things that need to be addressed in the sport. For me it’s the toxic delivery - so i...
  2. J

    "A new era in CrossFit Games rankings has begun"

    @henrivlot Gosh - quite a bit actually. I think there are things he’s done that have been good -but his delivery and pathetic pondering for acknowledgment is what makes him sad and narcissistic. Not to mention ridiculing some of the best people in HQ -calling out judges who give away there time...
  3. J

    "A new era in CrossFit Games rankings has begun"

    @grace4nan Hmmm nothing. I think they were playing with the “media personalities” citation is all.
  4. J

    "A new era in CrossFit Games rankings has begun"

    @claire96 The biggest narcissist in the space. Dudes head is bigger then his ….