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  1. K

    I eat almost the same food everyday, can I build some muscle increasing these foods?

    @whitebetty So here’s the thing; increasing protein and overall calorie intake alongside adding resistance training will grow muscle. You can worry over particular amounts and attempt to optimize it or you can simply settle in for the long haul and eat what feels like a good amount and accept a...
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    How Can I Tweak This Workout To Be More Glute Focused?

    @rtfm Yes you mentioned that. That’s why I added the glute kickbacks.
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    How Can I Tweak This Workout To Be More Glute Focused?

    @rtfm Dumbbell Glute Kickbacks.
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    How do you get 100+ grams of protein per day?

    @jszy04 I don't. I'm about 86kg so by your formula there I suppose I should be eating something like 155g a day. Between my lunch, protein shake and dinner I'll probably have around 90 total. Now granted, I'm not doing body recomp. I hover around 15%bf and I'm okay with that because I train for...
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    How Can I Tweak This Workout To Be More Glute Focused?

    @rtfm For anyone else who can't/doesn't want to watch the video the workout is: Bulgarian Split Squat 3x10-12 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats 4x15 Hip Thrust 4x12-15 Romanian Dead Lift 4x12 So the split squats, hip thrust and rdl's will all work your glutes. 3/4 there so I suppose if you want...
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    0.7g of protein per pound or less. Have you gained muscle?

    @ramy6et I typically eat anywhere from 90-110g per day. So usually close to 0.5/0.6 per pound. Doing just fine.
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    Vegan Strength Training Diet

    @niveuscurrus No.
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    Am I doing this backwards?

    @selmareed Resistance training and weight/fat loss are not a binary. You can lose weight/fat by lifting weights. It’s just a different programming. I helped a coworker lose over 20 pounds this year through a regimen of kettlebell circuits and intermittent fasting. You’ll be more consistent...
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    I don’t like lifting 😔

    @ajewelinhiscrown I think for people that need/have to lift some weights but prefer cardio the answer is weighted circuit training. Kettlebells work excellently for this but you can use dumbbells or even a barbell. I've been helping my coworker lose weight and we do 3 kettlebell days and 3...
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    Seriously who said “vegans can’t be strong?”

    @itsmeandylee Nobody (except online trolls) say they can’t, just that they aren’t. This is stereotypically true but as someone required to be fit for my living and that’s also worked as a personal trainer I don’t think most people in general are strong/fit.