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    [Meet Report] USPA National Powerlifting Championships 2017 - July 7 2017 - 325kg/717lb @ 59kg/130lb | 367.09 Wilks | F26 | Raw

    @ukjk Aww, that sounds awesome! Great team, definitely makes competition just a bit easier and less stressful having such amazing people around!
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    [Meet Report] USPA National Powerlifting Championships 2017 - July 7 2017 - 325kg/717lb @ 59kg/130lb | 367.09 Wilks | F26 | Raw

    @ukjk Great meet, congratulations. I loved reading this and I definitely loved the enthusiasm and support of the guy filming you (I assume he's your SO, apologies if not the case), he sounds lovely!
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    Why Asians are overweight/obese at lower BMIs

    @penny7 That's not what I was saying. I was merely pointing out that a 16 year old child should not be basing her health determination on a waist measurement or on the opinions of random people on reddit. I think this is truly detrimental for her mental health.
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    How to respond to the "you look like a man" comments?

    @toosmartforyou01 An important part of a witty retort is the spontaneous act of it. So learning by heart some remarks that may or may not suit the person and context, I don't find that useful at all. Just be yourself and say whatever comes to your mind. A simple "talking about my body bothers...
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    Why Asians are overweight/obese at lower BMIs

    @wt15 My point is healthy range is not determined by a waist measurement. Please talk to your doctor and stop listening to nobodies on the internet (that includes me).
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    Why Asians are overweight/obese at lower BMIs

    @godisveryreal OP was also underaged and, afaik, for teenagers/children percentiles rather than BMI is used. Also, people body shaming her for a 23" waist were disgusting.
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    31yo 5’3” 131lbs: Did a Dexa Scan yesterday that has me absolutely shook… found out I’m OBESE with 35% body fat percentage

    @hebrew66 BMI is a different metric than bf%. 18% body fat is NOT the same as a BMI of 18.
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    Half Marathon + Powerlifting Meet Write-Up

    @mcooperiii Mid 30s here, things haven’t changed much since early 30s lmao.
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    Half Marathon + Powerlifting Meet Write-Up

    @mcooperiii This was such a great read for Monday morning - or any morning to be fair! You are such an inspiration and sending over virtual hugs, been going through something similar with the guy I am (was?) seeing. I also followed you on insta, no need to follow back (I am a runner), but just a...
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    DEXA + Bodpod results 22 F/ 130 lb/ 5'5/ ~19% Bodyfat

    @rgvbaptist Actually, OP looks pretty close to what I would expect for someone around 18%. 12% for women is near essential body fat level and other than pro figure competitors you will not see anyone at that bf% walking around. Sure, many people will pretend to, I just gave an example a week ago...
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    I made a r/xxfitness Search Engine that indexes ALL posts and Q&A megathreads

    @samwan For fuck's sake, this is amazing! Shut up and take my money. Ok, I don't really give you money, but this is what reddit admins should tell you. Pitch them, it's worth a try :D
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    Dexa Body Fat % Results Table by Height and Weight

    @jedidvena This is a very useful resource, than you for taking the time to put this together! Lots and lots of misinformation on this topic, so we need all the resources available. Mods, can we sticky this maybe? Or put it in the wiki or somewhere easily accessible? /@denice65 /@staywithme
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    I [F/26] successfully walked 100,000 steps in ONE day!

    @shawn_maune I am pretty sure the original post is a lady... Anyway, congrats on the achievement, but be a little more of aware, women do plenty of awesome things, but if we assume every feat is done by a man - even when posted on a woman's sub - of course it will feel like only men are...
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    I’m 20 and 5’2” but very stressed about maintaining my weight

    @gailsie I am an M&A Partner in one of the largest law offices in my country. I know a thing or two about sedentary work places. I also work anywhere between 10 and 16 hrs a day. I am also 36. I am 108 lbs and 5’4 and a runner for passion. This is not a brag. This is just an example that your...
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    24 y/o F Changing Body Type

    @bornagainbabyinchrist Literally the comment above mine says that it's normal to carry around more fat in your 20s. Which I disagree with. I never said boobs or hips don't exist, but they don't ruin your body and they are not an excuse to gain fat. Bone structure is one things, getting fat is...
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    24 y/o F Changing Body Type

    @artemis153 Ok, I will not agree with everyone, no, you don't have to get fat as you age. I'm almost thirty, I weigh more or less the same as what I did when I was 14 (I am the same height, why would I weigh more now?!). And yes, I also gained over 20 lbs in my first year at university because I...
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    [FLUFF] ‘Wonder Woman’ recruited actual athletes, fighters as powerful Amazonians

    @dawn16 You don't get it, body acceptance only applies if you are over a certain weight. Slimmer ladies don't need that, even when they gained 17 lbs for the movie. Why couldn't she just take steroids and look like Hugh Jackman in the latest instalments of Wolverine to satisfy the critical crowd...
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    How to deal with missing out socially because of workouts?

    @bettyraene Very well put. I so often read anecdotes of people who - after getting into fitness - started negating all other aspect of their life. You sometimes have to sit down and think it through, where will this get me on the long term.
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    6 month DEXA update! 31% to 25.7% BF

    @noamx Even in sedentary lifestyle there is a difference between BMR and TDEE. BMR is comatose state. Even lifting a pen per day means your TDEE is higher than BMR. Also, OP was very active, so her TDEE is probably around 2k calories. No reason to not be able to do 300 calories deficit at that...
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    Lifting is a women's bestfriend for getting toned. (-5lbs, 19.5% bodyfat)

    @oceanwanderer She was lean and small to begin with, what did you expect? 5 lbs is nothing if you have 100 to lose, but she was nowhere near overweight to begin with, that's why 5lbs is visible. You are being downvoted because you are arguing that there is no body weight change, deliberately...