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    1 Year Progress Post! (Lots of Info)

    @button TM does not get enough appreciation in these parts.
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    Is it most Effective to do each Stretch 1 minute every day or 7 minutes once a week? 🧘‍♀️

    @godsgrl34 I think if you can hold a stretch for 7 minutes then it is possibly too easy for you, but /r/flexibility would be a better crowd for that then a strength-oriented sub.
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    Is it most Effective to do each Stretch 1 minute every day or 7 minutes once a week? 🧘‍♀️

    @godsgrl34 Because you’re stretching the muscle 7 times a week instead of 1 time.
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    Happy Holidays /r/BWF! Our Gift to You: The BWF Primer Routine Technical Outline (+ only 1 week until the New Year's Primer Community Event!)

    @marcusfetzer From what is in the post, no, not for the foundations phase. Eventually you’ll want to train pull-ups in which case you do need somewhere to do those, but maybe see if you like doing body weight training first.
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    Do you guys use any supplements?

    @gloriousday Is the reason you're taking all of these and not hopping on a cycle because you can get these at the shops? If these supplements did what they claim and were as effective then there is nothing natty about your list (and this is not a moral judgment on my part, I think the whole...
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    Pull-ups and Science

    @twinmama As a scientist, please don't. The publishers have already been paid by me and my employer., /r/scholar or ResearchGate should have the article.
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    Pull-ups and Science

    @thatdave Awesome work mate! I started at none and worked my way to three-ish, but took the last two weeks off. Will see where I'm at today.
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    r/bodyweightfitness featured on the Guardian’s list of featured fitness resources to use during the Coronavirus outbreak

    @koinonia10 Let the flood of newbies begin! But seriously, that's neat, and nice that they featured GMB. Their single-exercise guides are top notch.
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    Busy Dad, tired of feeling like shit. Asking for advice

    @megustajesus You always act like a petulant child when you’re wrong? I was adding to OP’s question by pointing out where he’d be wasting his time and potentially irritating injuries.
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    Busy Dad, tired of feeling like shit. Asking for advice

    @dawn16 No worries bud. Worthwhile core exercises: lying leg lifts, hanging leg lifts (even better), ab-wheel or rings roll outs, pallof band, reverse hypertension. The upside to all of these is a straight back and when done correctly they’re all cote exercises.
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    Busy Dad, tired of feeling like shit. Asking for advice

    @megustajesus Sit-ups are an inefficient exercise because most of the movement is done by the hip flexors. Once you’re beyond the crunch component of the movement it’s no longer core. Sit-ups have an incomplete range of motion so you’re not fully working the core because you can’t go below...
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    Busy Dad, tired of feeling like shit. Asking for advice

    @megustajesus Sit-ups suck. Once you can do, say, ten, stop doing them. They’re a terrible core exercise and potentially bad for your back.
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @webslave Not at all to detract from your enjoyment of more a calisthenics-focused routine, but let's all keep in perspective that 98%+ of what you've achieved was from a barbell, and what you've done is to transition to exercise that don't use a barbell. 5lb over three years is margin of...
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    Manna Tutorial

    @greatisyourmercy24 Thanks mate, but I wouldn't hold my breath. My long-term goal is to work up to pancake. Short-term is increasing pike compression and hamstring flexibility for an effort toe touch and a decent forward fold. Both rank lower in terms of priorities so I don't actively work them...
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    Manna Tutorial

    @greatisyourmercy24 Bugger.
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    [Progress] 2 years

    @faithwithobedience Really good progress mate, and I hope you're in a happier place than you were two years ago 💪🏻 What's good about your post is that it shows what is achievable with simple consistency. Not worrying your arse off about macros and diet and optimising every little thing. It's...
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    New study on progressing REPs VS LOAD could have interesting implications on the Recommended Routine

    @kc8vji Does the paper state anywhere how many reps the REPS group worked up to? They have the endurance test increases, but we don't know how their training progressed, unless I am blind and missed it somehow. It is generally not advisable to interpret the results of a single study into...