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    Fitness Goals for 2024

    @hallartistry Bench 140kg asap then feel devastatingly unfilled until I can do it again for reps.
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    OHP Tips

    @learnandbloom Lots of pull-ups, dead hangs for warm up most days but rarely chins 🤔
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    OHP Tips

    @predrag Cheers, all good tips. Seated DB OHP has generally been good to me with no major issues so must get some accessory work back in on that front. Going to standing I've just never nailed down any form of consistent technique. Generally looks like I need to check the ego a bit and work...
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    OHP Tips

    @londonmum Cheers for the tips, nice and clear. Will work on it and hopefully find a sweet spot for building upon.
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    OHP Tips

    @nikamelodia Nice one. Very clear and stuff I know I don't do straight away. Might even go moustache only for the next effort to make sure.
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    OHP Tips

    @nikamelodia Link works ok no?!
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    OHP Tips

    Have always avoided the OHP due to it being a bit of a weakness and my shoulder mobility not exactly great either but decided to give it a good go of late. Anyone care to critique or help with any pointers? Clip below is towards the end of a T2 lift session, 70% TM >> OHP 4 x 55kg...