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  1. L

    I Was Fired from a Fitness Studio for Not Being Active Enough

    @ctian25 First, I'm sorry that this is bringing up old insecurities for you. That's a tough spot to be in. I agree with PPs, though, that the issue was most likely that you weren't doing *their* workout (or possibly other local boutique fitness studios). I take classes regularly at one of...
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    worried about pelvic floor strength

    @chrisb76 I completely agree: there is so little attention paid to this issue generally, and that's not good. Prevention is critical, as the pelvic floor PT I saw said. I honestly think the countless squats I've done over the years has helped a lot, even if it wasn't done with my pelvic floor...
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    worried about pelvic floor strength

    @maksik288 Another big vote for pelvic floor PT! I have three kids, none of whom were born by C-section, and no problems with incontinence. I seem to be in the minority, though, based on general statistics and anecdotally among my friends. I saw a pelvic floor PT for a check up of sorts...