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    DEXA Results: 24 y/o, 5’5”, 142 lbs, 31% BF

    @7an13l Am I the only one who doubts she's as high as 31%? I know there is a margin for error, but she looks leaner than me and I just scanned 26.3%. I suppose my scan could be too low. Edit: here's the photographic guide on muscleforlife…
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    I think someone took a video of me at the gym

    @gigigirl16 Sympathy. You're not alone. I once was doing intervals on a stair mill and I saw a flash of light. Glanced over and a creepy guy was taking pictures of me - the flash on his phone had gone off. It was really annoying: when I'm in the "zone" I don't want to have to worry about...
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    Lifting is a women's bestfriend for getting toned. (-5lbs, 19.5% bodyfat)

    @christianwithhope Great to see another faster. I recently switched to eating at maintenance and doing short fasts to generate calorie deficits and it's really busted through my plateau. You look great by the way!
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    DEXA 6'2"/32/187 lbs 38.7% on the bright side I have great bone density 👍

    @prophecy7777 If you find the result believable based on what you know about your musculature under your body fat, I believe you. However, I'm not sure I understand why being taller would affect how one looked in the photo array? Everything would scale up, but I don't see how that would affect...
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    DEXA 6'2"/32/187 lbs 38.7% on the bright side I have great bone density 👍

    @prophecy7777 I'm having trouble believing your DEXA. I think you're significantly leaner than 38.7%. Have you seen the Muscle For Life photo guide to bf%? Scroll down a bunch...
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    I feel I’m too short for my gym’s power rack

    @magnusnr If you decide to squat outside the rack, practice failing with an empty bar. There are videos that teach the technique and your practice sessions will encourage your gym to invest in more accommodating setups since this is a noisy activity.