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  1. M

    Are pull-up bars necessary if I own B-Bars?

    @neophyte365 The only time I had an issue with a door pull-up bar was when I was traveling, put it up in the hotel doorway that went to the bathroom. Did a pull-up and hit my head on the ceiling, didn't realize how low the ceiling was from the frame! The ones that sit on the lip rely on torque...
  2. M

    Which pathway is better: Weighted pull-ups or explosive pull-ups?

    @archercrebb muscle up could be just a pulling action if you're strong and explosive enough, momentum would negate the need for the dip part.
  3. M

    Tips for my planche journey

    @followeroftimes I feel like I have the strength for planche, just not the form/conditioning. if you have access to kettlebell or dumbbells, you can do Maltese presses. they say if you can hold 75-80% bodyweight in planche position with dumbbells, you should be able to planche. I think this is...
  4. M

    Can you reach effective hypertrophy in the 3-5 rep range with weighted Calisthenics?

    @123vicky You have to start doing additional accessory work. I plateaued hard when I got to 5x5 @95lb weighted pullups. When I dropped the leadi and increased reps, after a few weeks I more than doubled the total volume and am actually feeling sore after workouts again.