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    What’s the most ‘pure’ or ‘OG’ CrossFit program you know of?

    @psychoanalysis Oh I didn’t know they were archived like this! Thank you!
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    What’s the most ‘pure’ or ‘OG’ CrossFit program you know of?

    Aside from the programming, what program is there that people would define as ‘old school’ or ‘pure’ CrossFit programming? Our head coach has a powerlifting background and tends to program progressions for specific days (I.e. snatches on Tuesday, bench press Fridays) without...
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    CrossFit burnout?

    @nhla2 I do this as well just in the fall/winter (gives me an excuse to grow out the beard and wear layers while I’m feeling less trim) The strength gains feel nice each January and I feel more confident as summer nears.