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    Is it true that if you are overweight you shouldn’t run?

    @newcityn8 Will it hurt your knees? It depends. Have you had ankle or pelvic injuries? They can impact the knees. Lots to consider, not just your weight. What is your goal? How far do you walk? You can combine a walk and run technique and gradually increase the running time. I’m 64 and my...
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    57M wanting to get fit

    @unclemendy I like your strategy for a trainer. My. advice is to consider any injuries you may have had over the years, especially to your joints. There could be imbalances that may mean you cannot use certain machines. That was my experience. I started with a trainer at age 59m. I had four...
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    Can I lose weight with just cardio?

    @onewatchman Would you like to discuss why a rowing machine is not advisable to most people? Btw I know from experience that most people don’t like insurance companies. My osteopath has a PhD in physical therapy. He went into osteopathy a year after he got his PhD. He’s cured me of my...
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    Can I lose weight with just cardio?

    @ineedanswers You never said take advice from a random personal trainer. I just shared my experience. It reinforces the belief that health professionals are best suited to help with training
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    I feel like my PT is pushing me too hard. How do I tell him this?

    @allroads Since you don’t mention what your goals are, and we don’t know what physical condition you are in, and we don’t know how many reps you are doing, and because you feel like throwing up after each workout, it’s best to talk to your family physician. Don’t let the PT’s ego drive the bus.
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    Can I lose weight with just cardio?

    @ineedanswers It’s health professionals I get my advice from. They are the ones refer to them as “imbalances”. The body may not start off symmetrical or may get out of balance due to illness or injury. I do not take advice from personal trainers any longer. Tried that and it led to injury...
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    Can I lose weight with just cardio?

    @ineedanswers Saying most issues are due to user error sounds illogical and short sighted. It doesn’t address that people may have imbalances in the body for various reasons.
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    Can I lose weight with just cardio?

    @ineedanswers You need to read my comment or maybe it wasn’t clear. I mentioned that technique is important. I’m glad rowing is helping you. The machines are rarely used at my gym.
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    Can I lose weight with just cardio?

    @angelbaby35 I don’t suffer with back pain. I used a rower twice. Both times it gave me back pain like never before. My osteopath explained how it was not a good machine for most people
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    Can I lose weight with just cardio?

    @angelbaby35 If you have a bulging disc, avoid the rower unless you have impeccable firm and technique. It can mess with your back. Yes you can lose weight with just cardio.
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    Is it true that if you are overweight you shouldn’t run?

    @claysmithr Not everyone can afford a pool. If people take your advice there won’t be enough pools.
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    Body fat too high?

    @nedlm10 Congratulations on your weight loss but you are in maintenance mode. There’s more than one way to meet weight loss and body recomposition goals. I’ve lost belly fat but weigh the same as I did 2 years ago. I can now wear the Hugo Boss pants I bought 20 years ago that had become to...
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    Is my heart rate too high?

    @janeevans89 I think the common wording is to keep people safe. There are outliers. I’m one of them.
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    Is my heart rate too high?

    @janeevans89 The OP was hitting a dangerous HR and wants to lose weight. I didn’t say you don’t burn fat above 70%. Working at an anaerobic HR can lead to lactic acid build up. It’s harder to loose weight if you feel you efforts make you more tired and sore after your workout from lactic acid...
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    BMI thoughts

    @gracenprayers I don’t think BMI is intended for people that are into lifting weights to sculpt their bodies. Buy a mirror and ignore BMI.
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    Is my heart rate too high?

    @griswold 130 is high for fat burning. It puts you puts you onto anaerobic activity. You burn more fat with aerobic activity at 70%. That’s 115. This if you go by the charts. It will vary by individual. I started running again at 50. I wasn’t trying to lose weight but did some reading in the...
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    Is my heart rate too high?

    @griswold First off, what is your goal? Is it to lose weight or to increase your HDL cholesterol levels? That said, working your heart rate in the range of 77-93% of you maximum is considered vigorous-intense physical activity. 155 BPM puts you at 94%. I’d say that’s too much and risky but you...