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  1. F

    Why is 60 minutes classes the standard? 90 minutes classes would be much more efficient

    @bldssphq My suggestion is if you have a series of afternoon classes you could make your first and last classes 90 minutes. Our gym open at 3:30, but it could start at 3, then run a 4:30,5:30 hour long class for the working people who need to make it home after an hour of work, then a 6:30 90...
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    How to improve my cardio?

    @kara1991 Many people have found success following Aerobic capacity with Chris Hinshaw. Or Capacity WOD. Most good athletes don’t actually get annoyed with novice athletes who are putting in the effort. I’m a seasoned CF athlete now and the only time I get annoyed with new partners is when...
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    ISO CrossFit podcasts w/interviews

    @semaj02 Power monkey is one of the best for this. A new guest every week from the best in their field. Just had their 200 episode and I have listened to every one
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    ISO CrossFit podcasts w/interviews

    @godsdaughter One hell of a list, and you nailed it
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    Shoulders limiting Kipping Pull-ups and T2B movement

    @bablakirchin22 From your brief description and without seeing it here is my two cents. Your former background has produced strong but stiff Lats and triceps limiting your ability to reach extension in yhe “Superman” position of the kip. Try muscle smashing on a foam roller (dr. Kelly Starret)...
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    Help a beginner figure out how the workout works

    @derek1933 Also is a fantastic resource for getting started
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    Help a beginner figure out how the workout works

    @derek1933 Keep asking questions, most CrossFiters are happy to help each h other out, because we all remember what it was like to start such a different way of getting fit
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    Help a beginner figure out how the workout works

    @derek1933 Always glad to help a beginner. For starters, this is not at all a CrossFit workout, this is an accessory workout. Don’t get me wrong these are all great moves, but they isolate body part instead of use the body as a unit. CrossFit is Consatantly varied Functional movements done at...