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    To what extent is bulking superior to recomping for an intermediate lifter?

    @asperd Perfect, will do! Thanks again!
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    To what extent is bulking superior to recomping for an intermediate lifter?

    @asperd Well obviously losing weight can shave a few minutes off the marathon, but I was mostly asking in the perspective of bulking after the mini-cut. I just wanted to get rid of a few pounds of fat before clean bulking, but was wondering if I would uselessly lose muscle doing it. Or maybe...
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    To what extent is bulking superior to recomping for an intermediate lifter?

    @asperd Hey one last question, I was thinking about doing a mini cut beforehand to get to 8-10%BF to start with a clean slate (running a marathon in a few weeks so this makes sense anyway). Would that be wise?
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    To what extent is bulking superior to recomping for an intermediate lifter?

    @asperd Perfect, thank you so much! Will clean bulk until 172 lbs as you say, then reevaluate. 👍
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    Anyone done PPL once a week with success?

    @curiouswalrus don’t care. Until somebody proves me wrong and cites the newest study showing I’m fucking up 40% of my gains by doing that I’ll continue doing so. Having 6-7 lighter days and being consistent > having 3-4 soul crusher days where I can injure myself.
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    To what extent is bulking superior to recomping for an intermediate lifter?

    @asperd I think you’re right there. I’m probably too lean right now to consider cutting anyway, so the "recomp vs bulk/cut" doesn’t even apply for now. So basically, I’ll just clean bulk (at 300cal over maintenance) until I’m 170+ as you say, then cycle between these clean bulks and cutting...
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    Anyone done PPL once a week with success?

    @darksoul999 What about less sets per session but more sessions per week? That’s what I do and it seems to work well. I train 6-7 days a week but do only 4-5 exercises as i do a lot of cardio and don’t want to toast myself for a given day.
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    To what extent is bulking superior to recomping for an intermediate lifter?

    @jcreigns Definitely will go with good enough! There are people that run marathons AND are jacked, but they’re obviously not natty (even though they claim they are). Not my thing.
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    To what extent is bulking superior to recomping for an intermediate lifter?

    @jcreigns but the point of losing fast is to get back into a surplus as fast as possible, no? that’s why I assumed losing fast was the optimal way of doing this not gonna lie, that’s not gonna happen 😆 that’s why I’m asking lol
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    To what extent is bulking superior to recomping for an intermediate lifter?

    @needheaven Last few months I’ve had a stress fracture then a slipped disk so wasn’t really consistent with training unfortunately (both lifting & running), had to take several weeks off each time so haven’t gained much.
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    To what extent is bulking superior to recomping for an intermediate lifter?

    @doks Which would minimize the frequency I need to cut. That’s probably the best solution indeed.
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    To what extent is bulking superior to recomping for an intermediate lifter?

    @davwms Great, thanks for the reply and additional info. Yeah that’s a lot of stuff to learn. Took me years to learn how to run properly (including all the other stuff, functional work and everything). Been lurking in BB subs for a while so I’m not totally foreign to these concepts but that’s a...
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    To what extent is bulking superior to recomping for an intermediate lifter?

    @dawn16 DYEL definitively not, but probably nowhere as muscular as the average lifter here I would agree. Doing a fuckton of cardio sure isn’t the best strategy for getting bigger. My focus in the gym for the last few years was more towards functional reinforcement, though I’m restructuring my...
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    To what extent is bulking superior to recomping for an intermediate lifter?

    @dawn16 not always when you have to eat 4000cal a day to maintain lol. I’m 5’9. Yeah, will probably go with the lean bulk approach. I can train on a cut, I’m just not recovering as quickly obviously. And as I stated in my post agressive cuts can be pretty hard when doing high mileage. That’s...
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    To what extent is bulking superior to recomping for an intermediate lifter?

    Background: I’m mostly a (fairly advanced) endurance athlete. Not elite level, but I run 50-100km per week. I’m about 150lbs, 10-12%BF. In contrast, I’m not an advanced lifter. Been lifting for a few years though so I’m not new to this either. I find going through bulk, then agressive cut...