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  1. C

    BWF Primer Build-up Community Event: Day 10

    @dontdosadness Missed yesterday, but I made it up for today. I don't understand how Deadbugs work but what I got from it is either pretend I'm squeezing out all the air in my body or that I'm constipated and hold that position for 10 seconds. Hopefully that works lol.
  2. C

    BWF Primer Build-Up Community Event: Day 5

    @dontdosadness Done. Weirdly pushups were a lot more easier than yesterday lol
  3. C

    BWF Primer Build-up Community Event: Day 8

    @dontdosadness Done. I did the first set of pushups on an incline with my hands on my bed, so it's probably not that good, but I did the last set on the floor. I feel like the squats are going to sneak up on me in the next few days lol