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  1. K

    Running plan for 8.5mile run?

    @mfloor Thank you for replying. I actually didn’t know there was a couch to 10k, but honestly I think I’m maybe past the couch to 5k one - I can run 5km already, and in a fairly decent time (although I don’t enjoy it!), but the 10k version may be with looking into. Yeah I’ve been to a couple...
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    Running plan for 8.5mile run?

    @poppies78 That’s definitely worth knowing/considering too! I’ve actually just looked him up since the previous comment and he has a 10 mile programme which would be ideal. But it expects me to run 3x a week, which honestly just isn’t feasible for me, so it almost puts me off starting, because...
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    Running plan for 8.5mile run?

    @vivianyang This is really helpful, thank you - I’ll definitely look into this.
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    Running plan for 8.5mile run?

    @floof Thank you. That’s definitely part of it - sometimes bored, sometimes just ready to stop! But yes, got to try and keep pushing.
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    Running plan for 8.5mile run?

    @floof It’s nice to know that running once a week helped you achieve your goals though, so hopefully my 1-2x will too.
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    Running plan for 8.5mile run?

    @maish Thank you. Honestly I don’t even mind if I’m at a snail’s pace, he knows how much I hate running so I’m sure he’d be proud either way! If I do have to run half and walk the other half then that’s not the end of the world either. I just would love to be able to say I’d ran it all if possible
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    Running plan for 8.5mile run?

    @maish I love walking, and I get 10-12k steps as a minimum every single day without fail, I make it a conscious part of my day to do so. I walk at quite a pace and could happily walk for a couple of hours. My fiancé died with 31km of his 2022 running challenge left to do, so I completed this...
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    Running plan for 8.5mile run?

    @alkoneronchikom I’d not heard of this so this is great and sounds like what I need!
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    For those of you who’ve recruited a professional, how’d it go?

    @westtmd Am I allowed to share that? Will message you.
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    Running plan for 8.5mile run?

    @brave_heart A sub I didn’t even know existed! Thanks, will do.
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    Looking for advice F 5’2” 215lbs

    @simple_man Exactly these! I always use the furthest parking space, and get up to move/squat/jog on the spot etc during tv ad breaks. Little changes are the easiest things, especially once they become habit.
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    For those of you who’ve recruited a professional, how’d it go?

    @mikethomasahn I have hired 3 different fitness coaches over a number of years (all online). Each time I’ve done 3-6 months with them. The first gave a strict meal & workout plan but I didn’t enjoy the rigidity or the foods they sent - think chicken & broccoli, quite standard boring “diet”...
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    Running plan for 8.5mile run?

    @arturo303 The 10% rule is really useful actually! This gives me a reasonable guide about how quickly I can expect to increase. My current longest run is 6km so if I do that a couple of times and then work up from there, then hopefully I’ll get to where I need to be, or at least close enough.
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    Looking for advice F 5’2” 215lbs

    @shadowinthelight Start small would be my best advice. If you try to change everything at once, then as soon as you fail at one part (it’s inevitable, we’re human and life happens), then you’ll give up the rest too. I’d look for things to add in before you start taking things away. For example...
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    Running plan for 8.5mile run?

    @tahitirun Thanks so much! Following a plan and using the longest two is a good idea - there’s some great plans been suggested here so far.
  16. K

    Running plan for 8.5mile run?

    @ruyifa This is definitely what I’m hoping to do. 1-2x a week now, and gradually getting longer. I do think I’d be more inclined to run more often in the lighter/warmer evenings too. How much longer would you recommend each week?
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    Running plan for 8.5mile run?

    @foodiehubster That’s great advice and definitely seems manageable for what I’m after right now. Might ramp it up when the nights get lighter, weather gets warmer and the run gets closer, but for now this is perfect!
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    Running plan for 8.5mile run?

    @doubtfulguy Thanks for commenting! I actually found yoga in lockdown as my number one fitness/mental health hobby, and that’s why I’m hesitant to run tooooo many times a week. With working full time, sorting out all the admin after his passing, seeing his sister, strength training, yoga classes...
  19. K

    75 soft

    @shiney77 I am! I’m working with a nutrition coach since Jan this year, and literally took the first steps this morning and filled in a request form for a therapy service. Definitely need to get my life back! Good luck with your 75 soft challenge!
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    Running plan for 8.5mile run?

    @shicomi Thanks for such a detailed reply