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  1. H

    Whats your normal rep drop off between sets? Does it change for each exercise? Interested to hear if this varies for different people

    @lovely_krystal86 It can vary a lot by exercises. Some movements I lose 1-2 reps but most I'll lose 3-4 for set 2 if I've hit a PR on set 1. If my rep stays the same on set 1 then usually this drop off will reduce to 1-2 on set 2 and that's just progression. I think if you are only losing 1...
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    You don’t need to get super obsessive or neurotic about range of motion or training at long muscle lengths

    @fortheloveofchrist Glad people finally woke up to that nonsense. Idk how it even took off but I suspect it was because of a particular comedian with a PHD doing a Collab with everyone and their grandmother every 5 minutes and demonising all other styles of training.
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    Top 10 exercises

    @victorcourville Incline Smith Machine Press (only picked this up recently but it's an 11/10) Single arm cable row Pendulum Squat Calve Raise as a partial (just the stretched part) Flat Hammer Strength Press Cable Lateral Raise Wide Grip Pulldown EZ Bar curls V Bar Press downs T - Bar Row
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    To those of you who feel you've mastered pushing to true failure, do you get grindy reps no matter the exercise?

    @jacob40524 Tbh I don't think pushing to failure is that difficult, once you know the movement it's all down to exercise selection. When we hit that point where we can't move the weight anymore, it's not actually muscular failure its just the point of maximally perceived effort. Muscle failure...
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    New "RIR 1-2 vs RIR 0" Study - Similar gains

    @livingme7 Dominant muscles in the first movement favoured failure whilst second favoured RIR. Shows that exercise order and priority are important. RIR may be be best as a balanced approach for sets later in the session whilst failure is still superior for lower volumes that seek to prioritise...
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    7.1 lbs of muscle in 8 weeks possible natty? (stanford university experiment, link included)

    @kpmasonry No not possible, I'd be curious to how they measured it. Tbh I see people on social media a lot lately saying for eg. "I gained 20kg of muscle in 2 years by X". When it's clearly all mostly fat gain from the bulk, idk how they can't put 2 + 2 together.
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    Rotating similar exercises week over week

    @saved1994 I agree with most of this except for this part. I had a major wrist injury trying to supinate too much on a Bicep Curl. It's an unnatural wrist position and we are all built differently for various things. I have to stick to EZ curls now and I haven't looked back.
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    What is your favorite MAG grip for lat pulldown?

    @learningasigo Sure? It you prefer it great. I'm just stating it's objectively not as good for the lats due to it's limitations compared to wider grips. All of which are explained very simply and effectively in the short video I linked from a biomechanics expert. Can you grow great lats with...
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    Rotating similar exercises week over week

    @saved1994 Right so you're talking about a complete different thing then. OP's post was rotating similar movements for variety, not a completely different joint angle and muscle bias. Ad it looks like you are in agreement that such a small difference is unlikely to have and significant...
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    What is your favorite MAG grip for lat pulldown?

    @learningasigo V bar AKA the baby handle has diverging elbows, this reduces the ROM for the lats. Not terrible, but the medium grip is a far better option if the goal is lats. More context from actual expert on why it's not great for most movements.
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    What is your favorite MAG grip for lat pulldown?

    @blondie977 If it's to target lats specifically there's only really one correct choice and that's the neutral grip that's just slightly outside shoulder width. The wider or pronated grips will bring in more upper back and reduce ROM on the lats. The super narrow grip also has a wider elbow path...
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    Rotating similar exercises week over week

    @saved1994 Thanks for your theory, but there's no evidence of this as stated above. And if there was, you would also have to show a benefit that slightly changing the angle of the same movement would have an effect significant enough to warrant doing it. Eg. A Smith Machine Press and a Barbell...
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    Rotating similar exercises week over week

    @mrsneko AFAIK there is no evidence for this, it's just preference.
  14. H

    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @kanyen Haha thanks, I've tried a lot of variations and they always work for a bit including the first 2 you linked but the alignment eventually starts to irritate the elbows. I even tried a bar a few months ago and I'll never use it again, that really fucked up one of my elbows. I think...
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    What is your favorite MAG grip for lat pulldown?

    @m_louise_2911 Yes the V bar has a greater stretch. No you don't want to prioritise the stretch with lat movements. They work the opposite way and have extremely low leverage in the stretched position.
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @sahrrie Can you elaborate on how you set these up?
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    Is A-B required for PPL?

    @revbillw I experimented with this for a while, I also searched the internet for experiences and didn't find much other than preferences. I can conclude after trying both for almost 6 months each I have made far more progress on just repeating the A workout, and if I think I'm stalling only...
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    What is your favorite MAG grip for lat pulldown?

    @m_louise_2911 Leverage matters. We want to be training with resistance profiles that have peak forces where the muscle has the most leverage to produce the most tension. Eg. The bottom of a preacher curl instead of the top. The lats are strongest in the shortened position in a row where the...
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    What is your favorite MAG grip for lat pulldown?

    @m_louise_2911 Not with lats, they don't have much leverage in the stretched position. Short to mid is best. All this requires nuance. It's not just ROM either, the force direction is at a steep angle which isn't great for isolating lats. Assuming that's the goal. I guess it's fine if you want...
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    What is your favorite MAG grip for lat pulldown?

    @m_louise_2911 You're pulling with a diverging angle (and force) with a V bar. It's going to limit the ROM for the lats a lot even if you try to keep elbows in.