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  1. C

    How do you reconcile the "we don't need that much protein!" attitude of veg*n communities with the "ALL THE PROTEIN!" attitude of fitness communities?

    @costeon Whoops, I replied to your comment by mistake haha. Ignore the wall of text that was here.
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    How do you reconcile the "we don't need that much protein!" attitude of veg*n communities with the "ALL THE PROTEIN!" attitude of fitness communities?

    @costeon Thank you for your input! I feel the same way ever since I started eating less meat... high protein meals feel like a total bomb in my stomach. (Which is how I used to feel about carby meals, and now the tables seem to have turned!)
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    How do you reconcile the "we don't need that much protein!" attitude of veg*n communities with the "ALL THE PROTEIN!" attitude of fitness communities?

    @dawn16 Yeah, something that never felt right to me about the hard protein approach was the amount of processed stuff I saw my friends eating (and that I also ate to meet my goals). Sure, it got us results, but I can only stuff my face with so many artificially sweetened protein bars before I...
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    How do you reconcile the "we don't need that much protein!" attitude of veg*n communities with the "ALL THE PROTEIN!" attitude of fitness communities?

    @dawn16 This is definitely helpful. Thank you! I've felt the same way... despite things seeming very black and white in the fitness community, I work and feel best when just listening to my body. (I do track to make sure I hit SOME kind of reasonable protein goal, but making myself hit 100g a...
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    How do you reconcile the "we don't need that much protein!" attitude of veg*n communities with the "ALL THE PROTEIN!" attitude of fitness communities?

    @dad83 Thanks! I know the numbers this study mentions, but I guess I never know what studies to believe, if that makes sense? It seems like everyone on each side of the debate can point to this or that study being unreliable because it's funded by someone with a financial agenda or something...
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    How do you reconcile the "we don't need that much protein!" attitude of veg*n communities with the "ALL THE PROTEIN!" attitude of fitness communities?

    @steves1980 Thank you so much, I appreciate that! I will check these out and keep that in mind. :)
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    How do you reconcile the "we don't need that much protein!" attitude of veg*n communities with the "ALL THE PROTEIN!" attitude of fitness communities?

    @listenhere I do use MyFitnesspal and keep a rough log of what I'm doing activity-wise. I think I was worried at first that I'd feel like I'm not recovering well from my workouts with the lower protein count, but I'm feeling okay. I guess time will tell as I start running and maybe lifting...
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    How do you reconcile the "we don't need that much protein!" attitude of veg*n communities with the "ALL THE PROTEIN!" attitude of fitness communities?

    @listenhere Thank you, I agree with this wholeheartedly. Sometimes I think I've spent so much time in the fitness community (especially a lifting-centric one) that I've forgotten how to just be a human. There are plenty of people out there who are perfectly healthy and fit and don't count...
  9. C

    How do you reconcile the "we don't need that much protein!" attitude of veg*n communities with the "ALL THE PROTEIN!" attitude of fitness communities?

    @dawn16 Oh I definitely eat all those things! Unfortunately I'm just still in the adjusting phase where beans and legumes bloat me to hell, so I can't eat a ton of them just yet. I will say though that I'm loving the variety of meals that I cook now! I honestly thought a vegetarian diet would be...
  10. C

    How do you reconcile the "we don't need that much protein!" attitude of veg*n communities with the "ALL THE PROTEIN!" attitude of fitness communities?

    @dawn16 This is so helpful, thank you! I tend to go more for moderation as well. It's good to hear from someone in the xxfitness community who's eating under 100g of protein per day. ;)
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    How do you reconcile the "we don't need that much protein!" attitude of veg*n communities with the "ALL THE PROTEIN!" attitude of fitness communities?

    @veronm144 Right but (s)he says that the fitness community recommends 1.2-1.8 per lb, not KG.
  12. C

    How do you reconcile the "we don't need that much protein!" attitude of veg*n communities with the "ALL THE PROTEIN!" attitude of fitness communities?

    @rosewithnothorns Wait, really? I only ever see ~1g per lb of bodyweight recommended at max, for the most part. 1.8 would be a looot.
  13. C

    How do you reconcile the "we don't need that much protein!" attitude of veg*n communities with the "ALL THE PROTEIN!" attitude of fitness communities?

    Hi all, I did a search and while there's lots here on protein, I didn't see this question come up. I hope it's okay to ask here, because I feel like it's the only sub I've found that merges the veg*n communities and fitness communities and won't be biased in one direction or the other. I'm...
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    I need help converting my low carb high protein diet into a vegan diet

    @earvin Stories like this are why I don't believe the new claim that dietary cholesterol doesn't affect blood cholesterol. I get that this is anecdotal evidence, but that doesn't mean it should be discounted. There are so many stories like yours on that sub.
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    I need help converting my low carb high protein diet into a vegan diet

    @faith11238206 No problem, good luck!
  16. C

    I need help converting my low carb high protein diet into a vegan diet

    @faith11238206 If your cholesterol and liver are fucked up, I recommend looking into r/plantbaseddiet. Many people in that sub have seen massive improvement in their blood panels after switching to whole plant-based foods on a low fat, high carb, moderate protein diet. You will not be low carb...