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  1. C

    Anyone did the 10,000 swing challenge after completing simple from s&s?

    @akeeda I never did S&S, I started my kettlebell journey with Mark Wildman’s training methodology. That being said, I am currently halfway through the 10k challenge. Out for a few days for a strained muscle in my hand (I’m pretty sure it’s unrelated to the swinging) and I’m doing the challenge...
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    Dan John's issue with dual snatches???

    @barronkanetaylor I’ve watched a ton of his videos and he has never been angry. I think you’re probably overreacting or seeing what you want to see. He’s always calm and patient with his explanations and, while he may disagree with you about the double snatches, he doesn’t express anything...
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    The Kneesovertoesguy

    @19disciple44 You can train yourself to do something wrong and get very good at doing it the wrong way. Putting your body out of alignment increases your risk of injury substantially. Maybe you don’t get hurt but you only get one body so by take that risk? Why, when lifting heavy, would you want...
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    Can I get fit with only minimal outside gym?

    @layla Unless you want to do some heavy squats then what you have is all you really need to get in great shape. You can do a kettlebell equivalent of all the Olympic lifts. But, to piggy back off of what others have said, if you want to be in the gym that one day, take advantage of the squat...
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    The answer was always kettlebells

    @weaser999 Indeed. I’m still fighting my waist line as it’s easier to train than get my diet under control but even with the extra weight I’m in better shape than I can remember. I’m stronger, I move better, and have more endurance than at any time since maybe my late teens/early twenties. I...
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    10k challenge starts in the morning.

    @taurho Cool, I’ll play with that next week. Knocked out the 2nd 500 today and felt alright physically. Got at least ten blisters between both hands and not sure how that is going to go on Thursday. I made attempts at taping today but that was causing problems almost immediately as the handle...
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    10k challenge starts in the morning.

    If it all goes to plan I’ll finish the week of my 45th birthday. I am hoping to wake up to some advice to get me going in the morning. I don’t trust my grip to do the 10 15 25 50 x 5 rep scheme so I’m going to start with a 10 10 15 15 x 10 and hope to have the grip strength by week two for the...
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    Kettlebell weight at my (f) fitness level?

    @pencillead 10kg might work but keep in mind KBs put a different kind of load in your body than standard linear barbell and dumbbell training. There are a lot of ballistic moves that send the bell moving at speed so those G forces will make it feel heavier. It might be a safer bet to start with...
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    Combining kettlebell and heavy club training?

    @chou91 I follow Mark Wildman’s Tetris of Training and that sees me training four days a week, M/T and T/F. I tried adding heavy clubs on either a Wed or a Sat but I got into overtraining and I noticed a huge drop off in my energy levels and my quality of sleep. My KB sessions are always...
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    Two years of Mark Wildman's Nerd Math / Tetris of Training

    @benthebeliever I’m in a similar situation. Started seriously hitting the bells a year ago after dabbling with them off and on. Used the Tetris method with a 12kg and I’m off to do some 20kg double TGU (two reps per side for 14 minutes today), a 4, 3, 2, 1 for four sets on the clean and press...
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    Incorporating Mace and Club into my KB workouts

    @allison18 I tried to add heavy club to my KB days but I’m pretty fried by the time I’m done. But because if my work schedule and just life things squeezing it in on Wed/Sat doesn’t always work.
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    Incorporating Mace and Club into my KB workouts

    @allison18 I try to follow the 4-day a week Tetris training method for the kettlebells using the heavy/light methodology. M: heavy swings, goblet squats (light), one-armed rows T: TGU, c&p, snatch W: Rest Th: light swings, one-arm front squats (heavy), rows F: TGU, c&p, snatch Sat/Sun rest...