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  1. J

    What to do when hungry on a caloric deficit?

    @dcyshy A vegan diet is a life-long process of dietary evolution. It's best to continually tweak your vegan diet, over the many years, to better improve your health and fitness. You are on the right track. Just remember that Rome was not built overnight.
  2. J

    What to do when hungry on a caloric deficit?

    @dcyshy If you focus on unprocessed or minimally processed food, it's extremely difficult to overeat. This is because whole foods contain lots of fiber that make you feel full. For example, try overindulging on apples, cabbage, or pinto beans. It's pretty much impossible to go overboard with...
  3. J

    What to do when hungry on a caloric deficit?

    @dcyshy Listen to your body. If you are hungry, you need more calories. It's that simple. Stick with nutritionally dense food.
  4. J

    I don’t like lifting 😔

    @ajewelinhiscrown Stick with sports you enjoy. Exercise should not feel like a burden.