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  1. C

    Low ferritin (i.e. iron storage) diagnosis and treatment update

    @rwadhwan 17 seems high... what is the goal? Is this your hemoglobin?
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    Preventing Bacne

    @jackwoo It helped me a ton when I started using Cerave foaming wash for my body
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    Skinny fat (135 lbs) to skinny and toned (127 lbs) (2011-2018)

    @safethusfar Nice! Interesting about the yoga. I have patella tendinitis in my knees but it started from lifting and didn’t get better from yoga, now in physical therapy. Do you get nervous to stretch now? I can’t believe you do inversion at the end of all that! I’d hurt myself For sure. Good job!
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    Options to maximize movement outside of office. Am I doing enough?

    @chelsea_harper I think you are are already doing so much!!! I know this isn't very helpful, but being a phd student and exercising daily already sounds killer.
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    How to deal with missing out socially because of workouts?

    @haithai01 For sure. Luckily I’m 30 and most of my friends are married. Whenever anyone asks to hang out I get a little nervous, but I take a night off once a week or see them on weekends. Waking up early doesn’t work for me because i have sleep issues.