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  1. J

    Meet Devin Ford, 7 Time Regional Competitor

    @beriah09 Lol, 90 no reps
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    What’s wrong with my diet? Doing about 6 to 8 Wods per week, losing power and motivation! (Sleep 7 to 8 hours daily)

    @lobocairn Supplements exist, literally, to SUPPLEMENT what you normally are unable to get from eating normal food. Most people use Whey (or some protein supplement) because they either cant afford, dont have time, or are not able to access real meat at the time (like in the gym, on the go...
  3. J

    How long do you expect your crossfit shoes to last?

    @sonofgodbrotherofman I workout 5-6 days a week. Generally 6. I’ve had all generations of Metcons and on average they last me around 6 months before noticeable wear and tear are seen, but I have used them well over 8 months. Realistically, I would replace them after 6-8 months because as...
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    Recommendation for a jump rope, for beginners (not a speed rope please :P)

    @colton112 I would recommend RX Smart Gear ropes They are super high quality and you can swap out different weighted ropes as you progress. They are a little on the pricey side but it's very high quality and will last a really long time if you take care of it...
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    So I’m a 17 y/o boy and love CrossFit

    @maizeemay At 17, if wait a little bit. The course is expensive, $1000 and that’s like gold for a 17yo. It also expires in 5 years so if you take it now and don’t use it, you’ll just need to renew anyway. I would wait a few years, get more experience as an athlete, watch, learn, and even try to...