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    How to manage work and muscle soreness and fatigue?

    @westt I feel this might be the case! It just takes time. I feel very energized but also very sore afterwards lol. I'm hoping that my body gets adjusted soon
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    How to manage work and muscle soreness and fatigue?

    @grateful4466 Thanks!!
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    How to manage work and muscle soreness and fatigue?

    @riverrat84 Thanks for the suggestions!
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    How to manage work and muscle soreness and fatigue?

    @irishcanadian402 That makes sense! Yup, it changes every class.
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    How to manage work and muscle soreness and fatigue?

    @chandrika Yeah, I'm trying to lose weight and I'm new at this so I'm still figuring out. I have been eating more cals on workoutdays and less on non-workout days. I'll try to adjust and see what works best. Thanks for the suggestions!
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    How to manage work and muscle soreness and fatigue?

    @kenjisan70 I'm at a deficit at the moment at 1400, and I'm tracking using myfitnesspal to make sure that i get enough protein per day. I usually reach my target quantity for protein from eggs/meat/etc.
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    How to manage work and muscle soreness and fatigue?

    Hi everyone, I enjoy exercising so its not the workout itself that is a lot for me at the moment but its the muscle soreness, fatigue and downtime needed e.g. feeling like I'm moving at half the speed because i can barely walk or put on my clothes. Is this because I'm still new? i just...
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    [Race Report] Cowtown Half: I bled through my pants so you don’t have to

    @wanderedhome Did anyone notice it? Were you wearing black pants?
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    Quitting sugar --- healthy or too restrictive?

    @jesse1354 Same, i love sugar! My Sugar Journey In the beginning, I stopped using sugar in preparing meals (most of the time its not necessary except if you're making dessert). Got used to more savoury meals. Add sweet veges to your diet like carrot and corn to help with your transition. We...