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  1. R

    How do families with young children find the time?

    I’m very overweight; I’ve surfed weight consistently. My most recent surge of activity was swimming 4-5 times a week - often leaving my partner either solo with the kids in the morning, or essentially not seeing her / spending quality time together some nights With a one hour commute each way...
  2. R

    Routine first, strength second. Critique my game plan, or provide reassurance! My origin story, and an introduction to your newest member

    @souheilzeit Thanks for that. I need to do better at letting people on the internet do their thing without having it interrupt my course. I’m such a “thinker” and if someone knows more than me I immediately investigate. one size does not fit all.... one size does not fit all...
  3. R

    Routine first, strength second. Critique my game plan, or provide reassurance! My origin story, and an introduction to your newest member

    @andrewm12 Cheers for that. On this, I’ll simply enjoy exercising for a while. When I feel too comfortable, I’ll consider a training regimen.
  4. R

    Routine first, strength second. Critique my game plan, or provide reassurance! My origin story, and an introduction to your newest member

    @emoore80 Just a quick update. Had a session with a PT today so that they could instruct / check and correct my form on squats, deadlifts, bench press, and overhead presses. Shocked and appalled at how much damage the squats did to me. I already know they’re going to be the bane of my...
  5. R

    Routine first, strength second. Critique my game plan, or provide reassurance! My origin story, and an introduction to your newest member

    @emoore80 Thank you. I entirely extend on getting the know-how from the PT on Monday regarding compound lifts. I’m just cautious of attacking those style of lifts before I’m taught proper form face-to-face. Compound lifts are actually what I’m most excited for! Working towards being able to do...
  6. R

    Routine first, strength second. Critique my game plan, or provide reassurance! My origin story, and an introduction to your newest member

    Warning: Long. TL;DR Provided Howdy! It’s been 10 years since I’ve stepped foot in a gym. Back then I lost weight, got fit, got the girl, then quit. Fortunately I still have the girl, and better yet we’ve added a daughter into the mix! Through that time I’ve fluctuated between 85 and 113kgs...