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  1. M

    Squat form check - a.k.a "why do my adductors always hurt?!?!"

    @dawn16 You're right - I really shouldn't let my ego get the best of me (I'm just so close to BW gahhh). I think I'll spend my next gym day figuring out my sticking point (I think the lean really creeps up around 90lb, but I'll certainly test it). Sigh. At least there's always deadlifts....
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    Squat form check - a.k.a "why do my adductors always hurt?!?!"

    @blubblubanime Thanks! I never thought about keeping my butt tucked in. I'll definitely look up some of these videos!
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    Squat form check - a.k.a "why do my adductors always hurt?!?!"

    @dawn16 Thanks for the tips! I definitely won't progress any further until I fix the forward lean. Do you have any cues that help with keeping the chest up? I seem to not have this issue with goblet squats :( Adductor pain is close to the groin area, but I can do "third world" squats for...
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    Squat form check - a.k.a "why do my adductors always hurt?!?!"

    @bornfree7777 Oh boy, I can't high bar at all - presumably because I have a lean issue lol. Maybe I'll try some super lightweight high bars a bit more to get used to keeping my chest up. I have seen thralls squat video (and like most other squat form videos since its always been my most...
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    Squat form check - a.k.a "why do my adductors always hurt?!?!"

    @dawn16 Quad weakness certainly seems plausible for me, I'll deload and focus on trying to engage them. Thanks!
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    Squat form check - a.k.a "why do my adductors always hurt?!?!"

    @kiranlee Thanks for the tip - I seem to do this only on certain reps, but I'll put in a conscious effort into this to do it consistently.
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    Squat form check - a.k.a "why do my adductors always hurt?!?!"

    Squat Video 1 x 4 100lb squat at 117ish BW. First set in SL 5x5 (didn't do last rep since my toe started to cramp...) OK, my adductors keep hurting each time I do weighted squats. It sure seems like there's no real flexibility issues (right?), but I'm clearly doing good morning squats in the...