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  1. O

    Why am I so bad at running, but do well in other cardio related activities?

    @kmar123 I wouldn’t worry about walking, I think most people end up doing a mixture of walking and running. Just tell your other half to go at their pace and you go at yours, even if that means they end up ahead. There are always fun 5/10k’s too with obstacles or inflatables if you’d rather do...
  2. O

    Why am I so bad at running, but do well in other cardio related activities?

    @kmar123 Why don’t you guys sign up to a 5 or 10k instead and then maybe build up to a marathon next year? It seems like a massive undertaking for a new runner. I would definitely download a couch to 5k app. I did the bbc one a few years ago and really surprised myself how easily I managed to...