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    4'11" 48yo - What should I weigh?

    @whitab Great! I hope you enjoy! I learned a lot and have gone through it twice so far.
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    Seeking reassurance and inspiration: how long did it take you to get to your pre-baby weight?

    @bluestarsky I got within 7 pounds of prebaby weight. Then I decided to heck with the scale. Now I weight train 3 times a week, run 4 to 5 times a week and am training for an ultra marathon. I'm stronger than ever. I'm sure I weigh more and my arms and legs look awesome. I eat enough to...
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    4'11" 48yo - What should I weigh?

    @whitab You might want to check into the book Next Level by Stacy Sims. It will give you a better idea of why I asked the question I did. I don't press 200 either! (I have a previously herniated L5...)
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    4'11" 48yo - What should I weigh?

    @whitab Are you lifting heavy at all?
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    How do you make exercise not about weight loss?

    @uticus I got off the scale completely. If I want to focus on numbers, I focus on how many miles a week I'm running or how much I'm lifting. I also focus on getting more protein every day and veggies. I'm focusing on numbers I want to increase rather than on the one number I was always trying...