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  1. J

    Help w/ choosing a 45 minute workout program

    @juliajaygrey If You can dedicate six days then I'd recommend looking into Christian Thibaudeau's best damn workout plan on tnation. It's push/pull style, 4 exercises each day, only 3 sets per exercise ( 2 feelers and one all out), with a huge focus on intensity techniques. Will have you in and...
  2. J

    Is this overkill?

    @azfara I was reading this thinking it was a bro split and was like yeah this seems fine why's he thinking this is overkill, until it hit me that this was the first upper day alone. Too much.
  3. J

    Arms lagging (?), 5'9 and 165lbs

    @brodri91 Don't blame the program, 531 bodybuilding is solid, op just isn't Training arms hard enough. The program isn't probably suitable for him or he doesn't know how to use it.