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  1. J

    Anyone else struggling with a skill that seems impossible to learn?

    @lutheranguy123 It was def not glorious for a start but i quickly progressed, way more than staying comfy with 1/2 forever
  2. J

    Anyone else struggling with a skill that seems impossible to learn?

    @lutheranguy123 Totally agree. i sticked to 1/2 so long, one day a coach was fed up with my cowardice and just kicked me in the butt (figuratively ). it happened i could totally link du together 💀.
  3. J

    Super anxious before first session

    @kycatt007 Darling everything is just going to be fine ! At my gym we have a lot of beginners and they are welcome. And if you need to leave in the middle of the class because of your anxiety that’s ok ! I suggest you to talk about it to the coach before the class so he know how to react. I...
  4. J

    Super anxious before first session

    @reallyray79 I second this, supportive and inclusive environment is doing wonders for anxiety.