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  1. F

    Realizing I'm getting O-L-D

    @momofadozen Not that I've noticed. When I was little I would walk and turn my heels out, I had to wear sorthopedic soles to correct it.
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    Realizing I'm getting O-L-D

    @dawn16 Yeah. I plan on making an appointment today to see a doctor, also getting a ride to work to help minimize how much walking I'm doing.
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    Patella Tendonitis (repost from r/GYM

    @tonyangiano That's awesome! What kind of things did your powerlifting coach recommend/suggest?
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    Realizing I'm getting O-L-D

    @dawn16 Yeah... that's what I'm afraid of. Given my current situation there's no way for me to do less except, NOT work my legs. I plan on buying a bicycle to get to work and back during the day, night time is a little too risky for me.
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    Realizing I'm getting O-L-D

    So recently I've started experiencing some slight knee pain in my left knee. I haven't had a chance to see a doctor yet but was wondering... is this normal for us 30 somethings to start experiencing? I'm thinking the pain is mostly from overuse (I work 2 manual labor jobs, one on a Lumber Yard...
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    Patella Tendonitis (repost from r/GYM

    @mikeb34 I put leg extension down as part of my routine already, so I'll give this a shot and see how I feel in the next few weeks. Slight burn kindof explains a bit better the pain I was feeling, hence why I went ahead with my workout. I'm hoping it was more my mind playing tricks on me, I...
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    Patella Tendonitis (repost from r/GYM

    Hey fellow gym brethren! So I've finally made it back to the gym today! For the last year I've been working out off and on at a little fitness center in my apartment complex. I was diagnosed with Patella Tendonitis a few months ago and was told to take a rest from running and walking as much (my...