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  1. T

    Progress & Learnings [6 months into the RR]

    @candy1962 Skinny Fat To Fight Club Brad Pitt Brother Fuck Yeah
  2. T

    Pull-ups and Science

    @this_dot Nerds
  3. T

    Data showing that +70% weighted chinup = OAC

    @cbsmel Happy Cake Day! Hahaha!
  4. T

    6'6 (202 cm) and almost 2 years progress

    @bruce69 Pretty good progress sir keep it up!
  5. T

    6'6 (202 cm) and almost 2 years progress

    @bruce69 Do you have gyno? Edit: Why the downvotes? I shouldn’t have asked about this very common medical condition?
  6. T

    5 Months Progress Calisthenics

    @roytheone Awesome progress, keep it up