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  1. P

    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @carolus Interesting, I've heard they were pretty good for isolating the lateral head if you actually do the eccentric movement properly. Which of course no one does(in my gym at least), they just fling it back and let gravity do the rest.
  2. P

    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @786man The solution might very well be the opposite of that. PPL 6 on 1 off can be very taxing and you may be over training. Check out this page to get an idea of how many sets per week per muscle group you should be doing. For instance it says 20+ sets (like your squats) is the Max Recoverable...
  3. P

    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @786man Of course the squats are killing you, it looks like you're doing 10 working sets. If you really think that's necessary, I recommend 1) changing the second set of 5 to front squats and 2) move one of your posterior exercises in between them. Your overall load will increase if your...
  4. P

    Protein Intake

    @sunset1 Based on the sample size, I suspect this study was done on untrained individuals. But you didn't link the study so I don't know for certain.