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  1. C

    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @nanalove If u do not have answer to my post, better refrain please? as everyone's life and body, diet is different, thank you, I eat real foods as well, which I mentioned in one of the comment. and replying on computer app, LOL, every body is diff, which you fail to understand, so as their...
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    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @mical Again, see that's the problem here with people is, when they do not know, they will stay poke their nose (still) (not talking about you !! if you read my comments, I have panel of doctors, second, I ask and consult them , the reason is: I like to know other's opinions as well, third, I...
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    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @mical Dude, my diet is all sorted, you have no clue about it. 1800 calories ( eggs, boiled chicken/fish ) rice, etc Could you answer on what I asked ?
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    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @dawn16 Thanks a ton
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    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @dawn16 Thanks a ton, could you upvote my comments, the reason is, I can't post it to subs cuz some asshole in this Indian Sub have downvoted me when I asked a genuine question( and with little knowledge they considered it as a threat and troll) and this will refrain me from posting to other...
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    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @dawn16 haha exactly, even if I die, ' no body cares' Thanks mate
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    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @dawn16 That's what I was thinking, I will try to do it. what if, I do not replace ? what effects do you see?
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    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @thehallelujahhollerer Yes, I can afford and why not, working hard in my life, day in and day out, this is the least I can do, hard to find good quality foods in India. I cook my own meals, so I keep an eye. Even Extra virgin olive oils are too costly but I do get it, do not want to compromise...
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    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @thehallelujahhollerer Ah I do have good strores , I get it from USA(online), sometimes the website is, 'iherb' (check it out) Authentic products.
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    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @thehallelujahhollerer I will get the NOW foods only, I don't care how much it will cost me, amazon shows 1200(discounted ) rate. and you are right, let me try and see, definitely, I will cycle this on and off. and yes I do have creatine too, forgot to mention, will edit the post,
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    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @suamaytinh5s No I'm not competing, and these sups aren't shit ton, such basic supps and herbs. second of all, could you answer what I asked ?
  12. C

    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @dan222 and asshole, I'm not here to TROLL. I'm genuinely asking something, if you do not have the ANSWER, STFU OR BAN ME FROM HERE, its my 1st time posting on a Indian sub and I REFRAIN IT CUZ OF ASSHOLES LIKE U, WHO HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THEY ARE SPITTING, RATHER THAN ANSWERING ME, YOU ARE...
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    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @dan222 At least I have an ego, unlike you, ( a man without an ego, is a dead being). God bless u. Who started with the comment 'Troll' when this isn't a troll post.! maybe, get a life? Second, 'get help - ' at least I have people who can help me, unlike you. (I feel sad for you) If u can't...
  14. C

    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @dan222 First of all, STFU I do not take CM and C together. and if you have any knowledge, the CM is 2:1(ratio) , (Two parts citrulline combined with one part malic acid.) If I take 10 grams of CM,it means, there's 5 grams of Citruline and 5 grams of Malate. When I need more Citrluline, I...
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    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @flsunshine01 theek hain na, still pata chal gaya ;)
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    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @flsunshine01 Just being clear as there's nothing to hide
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    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @flsunshine01 Why will I not ? 3-4 times a week is necessary for me.
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    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @prodigalsun Zinc - helps your immune system and metabolism, REALLY GOOD FOR SEX AND T-LEVELS, maintains optimal testosterone levels, promoting erectile function. Magnesium glycinate - QUALITY SLEEP, LOWERS CORTISOL( stress hormones) , support muscle and bone health, help fight fatigue, and...
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    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @prodigalsun Sure, I will
  20. C

    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @knownunknown Then it means people here lack knowledge and are wannabes., even if I have mentioned this individualyl which I should , ideally, as I consume them each supps separately, its no harm to the body and you being someone who has knowledge knows about it well. I have my blood work also...