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    The most comprehensive front lever tutorial

    @lovinggodlovingpeople This video is incredibly well done! Love your style and editing
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    Is it most Effective to do each Stretch 1 minute every day or 7 minutes once a week? 🧘‍♀️

    @godsgrl34 Muscle, tendons, ligaments all need to be conditioned and prepped consistently in order to become more flexible. This means an approach of a little every day will be much more beneficial and safe than 7min of stretching 1x a week
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    Daily full body -how important is variety?

    @chris1975 Not the guy who answered before but you can do squat progressions on your push days and hinge progressions on your pull days
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    3 Years of Calisthenics (Lots of info)

    @button Holy crap man, amazing progress! The difference in physique, body awareness, and form are substantial and you should be proud as hell. Love to see the mix of strength with skills and weighted calisthenics too, keep it up and you’re gonna be even more of a beast!
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    Weighted Vest Discussion + Help: For those who have owned/used weighted vests in the past which features should be avoided and which are must haves?

    @kwils858817 I have a similar one that I use for my routine to overload pushups, dips, pull-ups. For push ups id highly suggest rings (if doable with weight) or parallettes as the vest hits the floor a good couple of inches before my torso so I feel I lose ROM. Other than that it’s fantastic...