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  1. W

    Need advice with gym routine and progress

    @itagmedia12 Read the wiki, it has all the answers you need. The cool thing is you found joy in the gym and you keep going, the most important part.
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    Can't lose weight on 1500 calorie diet

    @crosswise Please read the fitness wiki. Your body functions no different than a bodybuilder's. If you're not losing weight on 1500 cals, you're counting your calories wrong. Your program doesn't appear to have the structure of a well design program, such as the ones listed in the wiki. You are...
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    Opinion on my 5/3/1 / olympics program

    @sakura_meow I. also thought it was a lot, but the volume work is only 60% or 40% - so it's really just a pump. I also thought that having only 2 AMRAP sets a day will keep the CNS in OK shape. The interleaved speed stuff is not at all hard, because it's BW / supported and low reps. It's just to...
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    Opinion on my 5/3/1 / olympics program

    @toysernis1 Will check out , never thought of that but makes so much sense.
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    Opinion on my 5/3/1 / olympics program

    @untouchable562 Thanks for the thoughts. Bench is important to push in a block and torque on a hit, and prevent shoulder injury. OHP is mega useful, but there are already press focussed olys on 2 days so I thought that's enough.
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    Opinion on my 5/3/1 / olympics program

    I have been lifting for about 10 years with the goal of improving at beach volleyball. I have ran many different programs from 5x5 to PHUL, PPL, 531, and some on apps. I tend to try for 6 months to see what the results are. So far, I have either gained strength or speed. So I wanted to modify...