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  1. C

    A 15 minutes bodyweight routine for posture and strength imbalances correction - No equipment required

    @siier True, that is a mistake on my side. If you have nothing to hang, no choice but to skip the exercise
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    A 15 minutes bodyweight routine for posture and strength imbalances correction - No equipment required

    @dawn16 Unfortunately there is not a perfect equivalent. This is a mistake on my side, an "equipment" is obviously needed to correctly hang. Skip the exercise. You could do a Standing Shoulder Flexion (arms overhead) for 30s instead but there is no "decompression" component, which is the main...
  3. C

    A 15 minutes bodyweight routine for posture and strength imbalances correction - No equipment required

    @christianfamily Good suggestion, that would be an alternative equipment
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    Science of Core training

    @this_dot The "How should I train them?" part is really really incomplete. You don't even talk about the importance of working the core through a range of motion. Isometrics like Planks objectively suck for both strength and hypertrophy training. The core is already worked isometrically in all...
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    A 15 minutes bodyweight routine for posture and strength imbalances correction - No equipment required

    @bobwatkins Yes, that is exactly the point of the routine: couteracting the negative effects of sitting on a daily basis. Correcting issues developped over a long period of time will obviously take some time
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    A 15 minutes bodyweight routine for posture and strength imbalances correction - No equipment required

    Introduction Sitting in a chair in front of a computer for several hours on a daily basis has a negative impact on posture and on strength. Some common postural issues are forward head posture, rounded shoulders, winged scapula and anterior pelvic tilt. It also causes many strength issues. For...