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  1. L

    How many exercises do you do for a muscle group and why?

    @orthodox_christian Been lifting for almost 4yrs now Alot of knowledge and experience gained . Currently sticking with the following and it works perfectly . No extra fatigue , perfect recovery as well Chest - > 3 sets incline dumbell , 5 sets vertical machine press , 2 sets pec dec fly (...
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    Too many calories?

    @boot_camp I'm close to 200lbs Lifting for 3.5yrs Bodyfat % around 20 I do strength training and bodybuilding workout and my calorie intake is roughly 2900-3400cal with 130-140g protein No idea why you're stuffing down so much protein n calories at that low bodyweight
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    Are there any studies on building muscle with low protein diets, RDA or lower (<0.8 g/kg)?

    @gladventist Exactly Like muscle building and getting bigger is already such a f*****g slow progress Like as a natural lifter with normal genetics progress is actually slow and staying consistent matters more rather than 0.7g of protein or 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight You still need to...
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    Are there any studies on building muscle with low protein diets, RDA or lower (<0.8 g/kg)?

    @nogueira527 It shud be of your lean bodyweight and not overall body weight If a person is 100kg / 220lbs with 30kg of body fat and has never lifted any weight Then the protein amount with which he should be starting with is obviously not 220g let's just be very clear Even for a 155lbs lean...