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  1. D

    Am I under training if my main goal is hypertrophy

    @mikerr hey, thanks for the tips. I was training pull ups every workout when I was hitting the park 3 / week. But at home my door pull up bar is not suitable for pull ups hence I switched to weighted chin-ups.
  2. D

    Am I under training if my main goal is hypertrophy

    @bytheway Thanks for the feedback. I have been contemplating switching parallette bar push ups with pike push ups so maybe i'll do that much sooner than planned. Hinge movement is a good suggestion too.
  3. D

    Am I under training if my main goal is hypertrophy

    With it getting colder outside and work hours being long i've changed my workout plan to suit my lifestyle so I can workout 2 days at home and one day at the park (I run 2-3 days (40-90 mins) per week on non training days). I've also transitioned from only bodyweight (bw) training to bw + some...