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    What is y’all’s preffered workout that you would do everyday if needed

    @nadeen I disagree. There is much more than just local fatigue.
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    Thoughts on Around the Worlds?

    @anshu I really wonder WHO his trainer is... just like the Arnold press has been done 30 years before he started training.
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @jamierite74 Matthias Steiner (German olympia lifter) was 150 kg. Later lost that weight and except for chest looked amazing. At that weight you surely can hold onto more muscle and then afterwards you probably can regain a fraction of it. But he doesn't look that amazing especially if you...
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    Thoughts on this PPL

    @charmkrissy I think shrugs are best on the smith machine or cable pull Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise is definitely worse than doing them with a cable machine. The weight vector points to the floor and at the start the force needed to get it up is reduced. Do you want to train strength...
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    My extremely weird workout split that worked wonders for me

    @confusedgirl98 Yeah in regards to growth but a weak small guy will do 10 sets to failure and feel OK while a huge guy will be fried.
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    My extremely weird workout split that worked wonders for me

    @confusedgirl98 Beginners have smaller muscles so it's not as hard for them.
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    What is y’all’s preffered workout that you would do everyday if needed

    @nadeen Are you 17? As a teen I probably could have trained 3 times a day without a rest day for years. Even then rest is important
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    Anyone doing the programming from renaissance periodization?

    @jazzper Add in like 4 other weeks at rir 2 where you add more sets only. I don't do the rir progression except for the very last week.
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    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 7/1/2019

    @humblechad Which one is the peak bulk pic and which one the cut pic?
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    What is the point of keep training as a natural if you have been training for 2 years ?

    @jlchoa What's the point of lifting enhanced? If you are natty and don't look like this: or this You won't get a pro card with drugs. Look at the physiques that don't get a podium placement, on stage there are so many great guys and no one knows their name. There is no money to be made from...
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    Natty Lifters w High Blood Pressure

    @yallow You got sleep apnea?
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    Question thread for our AMA with Dr. Brandon M Roberts and Dr. Peter J Fitschen starting Wednesday April 15th!

    @robertven What focus? Do you get your clients to consciously twitch/flex or keep up a certain step count?
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    Ultimate Gym Excel Sheet - Features: 22 customizable exercises, % of 1RM calculator, 1RM calculator, TDEE/BMR/BMI Calculator, Macro Plan, & MORE

    @willowwhisp You could also do the 10RM or ignore % all together and just aim for a rep range and then adjust based on performance.
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    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 7/1/2019

    @dawn16 At the moment sets is very popular, literature shows that increasing reps before weight is better. I would recommend you to auto regulate your training based on sets, work rep ranges that allow you to go 2 reps close to failure comfortably.
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    Compendium of Workout Routines

    @shan2016 Iron Buff Autoregulation based on sets. Body part focus blocks. Comfortable weekly volume counter. The Best Damn Workout Plan For Natural Lifters by Christian...
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    Overcoming Low Testosterone: My Journey to Improve Health and Fertility

    @blessedyforgiven That's low. Are you fat? Do you not eat enough fats? Do you have sleep apnea? Varicocele (20% of guys have it, mostly the left ball, maybe you can only notice it if you take a deep breath, hold it and try to exhale hard while holding your breath)? Do you get 0 sunlight on...
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    The MYTH of higher frequency for 'smaller' muscles b/c they recover faster?

    @thepinkpreacher Also with dB side literally raises the tension curve is shit and the stretch component isn't there. Of course they will recover faster if you do a lighter workout.
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    Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

    @dorsetanglican97 Probably even less gains despite more work. Natties need rest. Sure some genetic freaks can get away with it, or people who are weak and people who can tame themselves, who can hold back but for the for vast majority its too much.
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    Do you guys use any supplements?

    @mayaann Vit D
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    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 9/2/2019

    @sometimesthewolf Do something that's fun. If you like running you will love rugby!