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  1. E

    Good, cheap protein on Amazon and a heart rate monitor that actually works and doesn’t cost $500?

    @lintonsa This. I have a weird allergy that will make my skin flush at times when I'm outside and it confuses the shit out of my fancy Garmin Fenix (probably similar to the tattoo problem). Meanwhile every chest strap I've ever used has been fine, flush or not.
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    Good, cheap protein on Amazon and a heart rate monitor that actually works and doesn’t cost $500?

    @newshappy It's rare that I read a single reddit comment where I see two new interesting things I've never heard of before: Volume eating: Any good pointers? (This may be self explanatory but I always appreciate tips) Protein fluff. This appears to be something you prepare and freeze? Do you...
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    What motivates you to workout? [x-post from /r/fitness)

    @nickribinson Ah... As a happily married 30+ dude w/ kids, I find little correlation between my swole and opportunities for copulation. In terms of boning, I'd be better off skipping a workout and letting the wife do whatever she wants for an hour...
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    What motivates you to workout? [x-post from /r/fitness)

    @megas01 ELI5? When I read "oxytocin rushes" it just makes me think of aggressive breastfeeding.
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    5/3/1 Program calculator and workout tracker site

    @ruford Just artificially bump up your 1RM until the weights are working out for you, then each month use the "Level up" which will increment SQ/DL +10 lbs and BP/OHP +5 lbs (technically I'm doing that slightly wrong at the moment, b/c I should be increasing the real 1RM by 11.11 and 5.55 since...
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    5/3/1 Program calculator and workout tracker site

    @dawn16 Well that's good I guess, if you see it again and don't mind definitely let me know. Thanks!
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    5/3/1 Program calculator and workout tracker site

    @dawn16 That doesn't sound right. Do you mind sharing your settings? (either type them here or just click the "Link" button at the top and share that with me)
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    5/3/1 Program calculator and workout tracker site

    @dawn16 I just pushed an update that adds: That should help. Thanks again!
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    5/3/1 Program calculator and workout tracker site

    @dawn16 Good catch. I just checked out the plate thing, I think the issue is that the plate input is pairs of plates. So if you say "2" for 10's, it implies that you own 4 total 10 lb weights. So if you only own a single pair, just put it in as one. Regardless, it doesn't look like I clarified...
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    5/3/1 Program calculator and workout tracker site

    @winggo Missed your edit in my previous reply. I'm using the charts from here: If there are preferred charts I can update the data. It seems they're saying that untrained 180 lb men bench more than they squat, once they get to...
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    5/3/1 Program calculator and workout tracker site

    @winggo Great catch. My base unit is lbs (I'm a filthy American) so for KG I convert back to lbs for standards. I had various problems in that. I just fixed things so that when you switch between KG and LBS it will convert all your 1RM and weight, and it will properly translate the table into...
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    5/3/1 Program calculator and workout tracker site

    @timhieuvetrello Lol, np. If you get a chance now go for it!
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    Busy Dad, tired of feeling like shit. Asking for advice

    @tomaszpl /r/homegym I work-from-home as well, my home office used to double as a guest bedroom, I took the bed out and replaced it with a power rack. You know those boring conference calls where you're just sitting on mute the whole time? I have a wireless headset and do some of my workouts...
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    Is there anything I can do that doesn’t require me to change my diet, but will still make me loose weight?

    @psalms91forme I mean... you can just eat a lot less but keep the carbs. It's suboptimal, but better than Type-2 Diabetes. You might also checkout /r/fasting.
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    5/3/1 Program calculator and workout tracker site

    Hey all, I just published a hobby site for the 5/3/1 workout. You can check it out here: It's philosophically based on 5/3/1 and /@timhieuvetrello's excellent posts to this sub. Even if you're not doing 5/3/1 it may have some useful stuff for you, like the 1RM calculator and...
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    Is there anything I can do that doesn’t require me to change my diet, but will still make me loose weight?

    @psalms91forme I'm struggling with comprehending this sentence.
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    Squat form check please

    @lovegod4ever23 This. Do the dislocations and keep sticking with what's comfortable. As you stretch more you should be able to slowly move your grip in. Do NOT force a narrower grip, it's not worth fucking up your elbows. Source: I did that and ended up having to lay off pullups for a 8 weeks...
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    Is there anything I can do that doesn’t require me to change my diet, but will still make me loose weight?

    @talithakoum If you eat the US RDA of protein you're getting enough protein that it was shown in very old studies to prevent muscle wasting in men. If you're doing weight training, want to put on extra muscle, etc etc, then that is a sub-optimal amount of protein. Extensive discussion here...
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    Anyone here gone to a physical therapist for shoulder pain? Can they discover the problem without an X-ray?

    @renatusfueritexaqua I've been to 3 over the last 15 years. I got lucky with my third, haven't actually had to ask a doctor about anything since, dude is a magician that has a surgeon's understanding of anatomy. When I need his help it's usually b/c I've fucked up an obscure muscle or nerve...
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    34M - multiple injuries and getting back on the wagon - 5/3/1 or 8/6/3?

    @markusdrury 39M here, had similar #'s and similar issues with 5/3/1. I switched over to the Barbell Prescription 3x5 plus 3-4 other accessory lifts where I shoot for 8-15 reps. I'm just not capable of being thoughtful enough to stick to an appropriate 1's weight for that final set, 3x5 keeps...