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    Just watched a large man’s “what I eat in a day” IG real and once again mad at how little we can eat

    @shieldofangels WTF? I would be 3x my current weight in a week if I ate that. Who is this guy? That diet is so all over the place. Is he trying to be vegan? Get SWOL? You are basically describing every day living with my tall husband. He needs to eat constantly so I easily overeat around him...
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    Idk how ppl in this sub are able to do low cal w/ 100 g+ of protein daily and workout so rigorously- I’m struggling with 1700 cals😭

    @dikaioumenoi The protein thing is mostly marketing BS in western countries. You can listen to the great protein fiasco on Maintenance Phase to learn more or check out the Starch Solution to learn how weight loss is totally possible with carbs. Everyone in the US is getting enough protein. It...
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    Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…

    @freds Going vegan really changed the game for me on this one. And then taking iron supplements stopped my steak cravings so I could better commit to being vegan.
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    Doctor said being vegan will kill me and if I wanna be healthy then I need to eat meat again :(

    @happywifehappylife Even when I ate lots of red meat and eggs my blood tests showed I was still iron deficient and needed a chelated iron supplement and vitamin b-12 supps to get my blood to normal levels. Red meat wasn't the answer for me. Iron supps were. If you had tried iron supplements and...
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    Ladies, how long did it take you to lose your first 10lb?

    @devinl How did you lose the first 10?
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    Diet Q

    @forwhatitsworth Right? Agree. Love him.
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    Diet Q

    @neahkahnie Yes. Read How Not to Die. There are yummy protein rich vegan alternatives in the frozen section of Sprouts and Whole Foods. Also cheaper than meat.
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    Has anybody else just gotten sick of protein?

    @kenhui Yeah the American obsession with protein is problematic and based in a lot of myth. Worth looking into the history behind it. Maintenance Phase has a good episode on it.