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  1. M

    After 2 Years of Extremely Serious Training. Reached Serious Plateaus as a Natty. Help?

    @forever02 Uhm am i drunk ? Your doing 28kg’s lateral raises? Are your shoulders Mount Everest ? That sounds serious AF
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    Lateral Raises at the end of every workout

    @patdude832 Oh 3 sets only ? Yeah the weight increase is much slower, 7kg dumbbells this week 3 sets and 20 reps, next week I will move up to 8kg and maybe 15 reps 3 sets, the wrist strap is a smart move, you still working your side delts everyday ? And have you noticed a huge increase in mass...
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    Lateral Raises at the end of every workout

    @patdude832 Old post but worth a shot, I’ve actually decided to do side lateral raises everyday this month just to see what happens, question, how many sets and reps did you do each day ? I was thinking 5-6 sets everyday and 1 day I will go really light and slow 20 reps, the other day I will go...
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    Our bodies can’t utilize more than 30 grams of whey protein at a time? Is it true?

    @2sweet4me Deficit and building muscles! Great to hear that, always a popular discussion on this sub