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  1. P

    Didn’t piss my pants!

    @rotbre Sorry, I just saw this!! Pelvic floor exercises, not just kegels. Basically, isolating all three muscle groups and learning how to flex and relax each one independently. Lots of holding for 10 seconds. Pelvic floor physios would be much better at explaining it, or you know, Dr Google!
  2. P

    Didn’t piss my pants!

    @tiff_tiff I also wear period underwear with a liner “just in case” any time there’s skipping in the WOD! I’ve also done lots of pelvic floor work in the last year which has helped tremendously!
  3. P

    Didn’t piss my pants!

    @tiff_tiff Every time I skip without peeing is a win!! LOL! (two babies and now peri menopausal)
  4. P

    Super anxious before first session

    @kycatt007 Not everyone there will be super fit, or even fit. Everyone starts at a different place, and goes for a different reason! And - everyone started in the same place, so try not to compare yourself - especially to someone who might be a competitor and has been doing it for years. Like...